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For each new opportunity we focus our efforts on assessing the fundamentals of the particular business, the attractiveness of the market in which it participates, and the sustainability of its position within that market.


The businesses in which we invest typically:

  • Have a material or leadership position in their market or have the ability to become leaders

  • Provide measurable and sustainable synergistic value capture opportunities by being part of our portfolio 

  • Possess a clearly identified point of difference that customers truly value, which can be extended to enhance the               business’s position or that can be leveraged to drive new opportunities.

  • Operate in a market that has attractive dynamics; including meaningful barriers to entry and preferably growth tailwinds.

  • Are sufficiently diversified such that no individual supplier, customer or employee can materially undermine the business’s success. 

  • Have, or can build, sufficient scale and capacity to attract, retain and appropriately reward a high quality management team.

  • Present opportunities for creating value that are well suited and aligned to the skills and experience of the Enviro Technologies team.


Investment criteria

"Working for a Better Environment"

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